
Drawing for Brian Heater

Here's a little drawing I did in honor of Brian Heater's 30th birthday. In addition to co-piloting the excellent comics review site The Daily Cross Hatch, he organizes & facilitates discussions and panels at various indie-comic festivals. 

 Before he was sucked into the vortex of artist-wrangling you'd see him hob-nobbing with festival vendors & attendees at a leisurely pace. At the last MoCCA fest I only briefly glimpsed him once above ground (the panels are held downstairs) frantically searching for something or other. So, I've imagined him as a naked mole-rat making a brief foray above ground. 

I've included a photo of a mole rat just in case you're unfamiliar with them (P.S. This comparison is in no way intended to comment on Brian's physique or pallor!).


MoCCA 2011

For some reason I've had an allergic aversion to posting anything this month, so for the three of you out there who care (talkin' to you, mom!) here's, uh, something:

The MoCCA comic fest was MoCCA-y. Losts of great comic artists and comics all crammed in a huge military armory. Usually I get up and walk around quite a bit to holler at my brethren and pick up some new comics. This year, however, I didn't. I think it was mostly due to not having money to spend (baby often needs a new pair of shoes) and possibly because my table-mate Victor is endlessly entertaining.

I did do some trading, though. I'm still working through what I got at SPX last year, believe it or not. Oh well, I can't complain about having too many comics to read.

Here are some dueling portraits Victor and I did of each other. They look crappy because we were each wearing the other's glasses while drawing them. You can see what we look like unfiltered through incorrect ocular correctors in the accompanying photo (Jonathan Baylis on the left, Victor Kerlow in the middle, and me screwing up the hand-chain format on the right). 

Oh, and thanks to everyone who bought stuff. The Snoop shirts sold really well, and I sold completely out of the new issue of Losers Weepers!